Monday, September 13, 2010

Mixed Emotions

Last week Landon came home from school with sign up sheets for soccer and flag football. I knew he wouldn't want to play soccer, but I was surprised when he said he didn't want to play football. He goes to all the high school home football games (and some of the away ones too!) with his dad and grandpa, and during the entire game he plays football with his buddies! So, when I asked him (2 or 2,333 times) why he didn't want to play, his response was always the same. "Because. I. Don't. Want. To!" No explanation what so ever. On one hand, I am really, really o.k. with him not wanting to play. I am a tiny bit over protective (I do a really good job of keeping it to myself. I think....) because he is my one and only. He's all I've got. If he doesn't want to play a sport where kids are going to throw him to the ground and jump all over his bones, that's really o.k. with me. Really. But, then on the other hand, I want him to have fun. I want him to look back and have good memories of the things he did in school. He's a boy. He should have "rough" sports memeories. Right? (He does play softball and basketball.) So anyway, Saturday night I ran into Landon's buddy, Matthew's mom. I asked her if Matthew was playing flag foot ball. She said he was. So, I mentioned this to Landon thinking for sure he would want to play once he knew Matthew was playing, but he still didn't want to play. No problem. I threw in the towel. I felt I did my best to try and get him to play, and if he didn't want to play then that was that. My job was done. Friday was the last day to sign up. Monday (today) was the first day of football.(After school.) Well, the phone rang at noon today, (Monday) and it was Landon. He asked,  "Mom, can I play flag football today?"  I calmly replied, "Well, of course you can! Just go to connections after school and at 4:15 Janet will call out all the boys who are playing football, and then you just go with Janet and the boys." (I knew this from when I helped at connections a couple of years ago.) Then I hung up the phone and freaked out. Luckily Tim was home for lunch. I had to dig through a few bags of trash for the sign up sheet, fill it out, make out checks for connections and football and pack a snack. Then Tim had to go and hunt down Janet to see if Landon could still get in. I was praying I hadn't jumped the gun in telling Landon yes, but sweet for me we live in a small town and there is always room for everyone. No need to get my freak on. Since it's only "flag" football, I will stay calm for now. But when he wants to play tackle football and he breaks his first bone, all bets are off. It's gonna get freaky....