Friday, June 11, 2010

Freebie Thrills

I did it again. Changed the template on my blog. Do you like it? I love change. Change is good! Especially changes that are free! Don't get me wrong. I'm no cheapskate. I love to spend money, but the freebie thrills are even better! Like getting new books, movies and magazines at the library every week, or finding a great dresser on the side of the road. (Now, that hasn't actually happened to me, but I know someone who it has happened too and they were happy!) Or bringing home a stray kitty (Like our cats Lucky and Clyde) But, the best one is re-arranging the furniture in my house. It's like getting a new house! I probably re-arrange my living room at least every three months. Drives Tim batty. But, he knows it makes me happy (and doesn't cost him anything!) so he puts up with it. There are a couple of ladies who live in Wahpeton who re-arrange furniture for a living. Seriously! All they do is come into your home and move your stuff around. They might take a chair out of your living room and put it in your bedroom. Or maybe take a table out of your kitchen and put it on your porch. Imagine that! It sounds like a dream job to me!
Hey, want me to come over?