Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Don't Be A Sinner!

Landon and I had quite the night last night. But, before I can tell you all about it, you need to know a few things. First, I am a hider. I hide little toys and treats that I want to surprise Landon and the DC kids at a later date with. I am also a forgetter. Out of sight, out of mind is a real thing! I forget where I hid them, or I forget about it all together. So therefore, Landon is a seeker. He knows I am guilty of this and he is forever digging in the cupboards, closets and my purse for those treasures. The second thing you need to know is about our Halloween. Last Halloween Landon came home with enough candy to feed a small nation for a year! I didn't want him to eat all that candy, so every day when he left for school, I would throw a big handful into an old Halloween bag. I only picked out suckers, hard candy and things I thought he wouldn't miss. My plan was to throw the whole bag out once I was sure my plan had succeeded. I had a huge bag full and I hid the bag in the linen closet under the sheets. But, once again....out of sight, out of mind. I forgot about it. So, on with the story....
Last night I was "trying" to watch American Idol (Tim was at a Ducks meeting) and Landon was playing on the computer. Soon he became bored with the computer and started bugging me to put money in his "Jump Rope For Heart" envelope. I told Landon I would write a check for him "later" and continued to try and watch the show. Landon left the room and came back a short while later. I noticed he was holding his envelope really close to his body and sneeking peeks at me. So, I paused the T.V. and looked in the envelope. He had a five dollar bill in there. I knew he had taken it out of my wallet and asked him where he got it. He said his grandma gave him $5 for helping her clean. (She did, but I knew that Tim took that $5 away for another reason and that Landon has to earn it back.) I told Landon that I knew that $5 came out of my billfold and went into a little sermon about telling the truth and stealing and the bible and how the angels are sad when we do things like that. I was feeling pretty sure that I had made an impact when Landon said he was sorry. ("I'm sorry and I was wrong" are two sentences that RARELY come out of Landon or his dad's mouth!) He went upstairs and I continued to try and watch American Idol. A few minutes later I looked up and standing in the doorway with one hand on his hip and in the other hand his huge HIDDEN bag of Halloween candy was Landon. He said "Well.Well. Well.....Now, how did my Halloween candy get in your closet? Did you steal it?" Now, a good mom would have taken the opportunity to explain to her child how it was in their best interest, blah....blah...blah....
But, it hit my funny bone so hard all I could do was laugh and laugh. This pretty much encouraged Landon and he went into a sermon that would have made any t.v. preacher proud. " the angels are crying now....." I was laughing so hard, I ended up on the floor with the tears just pouring from my eyes. Landon marched in a circle around me and went on and on. Just when I felt like I could compose myself and speak, he would get right in my face and say something like, "Do I need to hide my Easter Eggs from you?" and the laughter and tears would start again. He roared.... "It's in the Bible! It's a ten commandment! Thou shalt not steal candy from your kids!!! Don't be a sinner!!" He was so funny! All I could manage to squeek out was a little "o.k." I haven't had a belly laugh like that since I let Tim eat the dirty pancake. So, once again I won't be getting the "Mother Of The Year" award. But, it's o.k. because I won't be getting the "Wife Of The Year" award either.