Monday, December 10, 2012


Yep. It's that time of year again. Flu season. Used to be when I was young, (a year or two ago...) I never got sick. I used to be able to brag about that. However, it seems these last few years, I pick up that darn bug no matter how many times I wash my hands or spray myself with Lysol. (Just a joke folks!) Yesterday, I was zipping right along, had the laundry going, picking up the house, munching on Christmas cookies, checking out my facebook world, and then....bam! I suddenly found myself standing over the porcelain throne, losing my Christmas cookies. I never saw it coming. It just snuck up and knocked me right off my feet. I then could not get warm and my body started to ache. Crap. Around 5:30, I headed up to bed. Tim came upstairs to tell me that Landon wanted to stay at his Grandma's, because he didn't want to get sick. I couldn't argue with that. So, I started to tell Tim all the things that he needed to do. "Don't forget to write a check for the ski trip, fill out the form, sign the paper, pack a snack, pack his lunch,don't forget his backpack, gloves, hat, boots, tennis shoes, make sure you take jeans without holes, don't take a play shirt, take a school shirt, don't forget to pack his toothbrush...hey where ya going? Come back.... Aren't you gonna bring me little cups of 7up? Who's gonna hold my hair when I puke? Hello?....." He was gone. Never saw him again. Not even at 10:00 A.M. when I finally woke up from a night of puking and 3,445 hot baths. But, that's o.k. sooner or later, the flu will hit Tim too. But, Landon and I won't be able to hear him, because Landon will be at his Grandma's and I will be in Fargo, sitting in my hotel room, with the remote control, a newspaper, and sipping my sweet hot coffee, waiting for the mall to open...