I finally got a shed to call my own! (In the next post you will see the hard work I did.) I've been wanting to dip my toes into a few handmade/re-purposed/re-done items to sell at the Farmer's market and at my purse shows for a long time now, but, I just didn't have the space to work on it. Now I do. I am so excited! I just need to get a few shelves put up and a couple of work benches made. I already was able to make one "junk/treasure run" and felt like I hit the jackpot! I will share with you one "before" photo and later when I have added my special "lucky charmed" touch to it, I'll show you the "after." I will also share with you one photo of a "handmade" item I will be selling. But, that's it. Just a little taste. You will have to wait until the Market to see the rest! I will have the first booth as you come in the door from the west side. It's right next to my purse booth. (Oh yes! I am still doing purses!) For some reason, I've always been a little lucky. I don't know what it is, so I like to think it's good karma. I will never be able to say, "I never win anything," or "I've never been blessed." I am lucky and blessed. Everything from winning flat screen t.v.'s at the fair, to our son, Landon. (Unknown to us, Landon was a one in a million shot. We got him on the first try! That is a blessing, indeed!) So, I decided to call my new business, Lucky Charmed. (Oh yes! I will have horse shoes and four leaf clovers included in there somewhere!) Maybe some of my good luck will rub off and my treasures will bring others a little good luck, not to mention complete giddy happiness for picking up something super cute and charming at a reasonable price! (Well, it's true!) So here's the first photo....

Here is a cute little iron lamp. It's hard to tell from the picture, but it has a white milk glass shade over the bulb, (Yes, it works!) and it has little iron leaves above the glass and around the base by the bottom. It's cute, but it's a little on the Plain Jane side. Now, just wait until you see it all CHARMED up!! Just waiting on the UPS man to bring me my treasures.
Here is one of my handmade items. (Made by me!)
Bubble Wands!!
Just one of many colors that will be available at the market.
Once again, waiting on the UPS man!
See ya'll at the WHEATON FARMER'S MARKET in June!!