I know I've mentioned before how I want to turn one of our little garages into a hobby shop. It's the little white shed that has tons of peeling paint on it. To me it's cozy and charming. To the neighbors it's more than likely an eyesore. The only problem was, it had become Tim's "dumping grounds." It was filled to the gills with junk! Left over carpet scraps, old putty buckets, broken tools, broken chairs, etc...I had been asking him for a few years to clean it out, so I could use it. Never happened. So, on Saturday I told him if he brought home a trailer, I would clean it out. Presto! Within 12 seconds a trailer magically appeared! I rolled up my sleeves and dug in! After 6 hours of hard work, I had the trailer filled! Since I was on a roll, I went over to the big garage and started tossing the junk in there. Two huge trailers full! After another four hours on the big garage, I had to stop. I could hardly move. My arms and legs were so sore. But, man what a good feeling it was to get it done! Tim wasn't very talkative when he came home to check up on me and when he hauled it all away, but later he did say a small thank you and admitted it felt pretty good to have a clean garage! I'm happy with that.

Here's the first load!
I was too tired to get a picture of the second load.
It's packed in tight!
Doesn't the dried up Christmas tree add a nice touch?