My short term memory is shot.
I honestly can't remember a thing. I have 123,232,333 notes
posted on my calendar to help me keep track of everything.
If I lost my calendar, I would be up the creek.
Tell me something today and if I don't write it down,
chances are really good I won't remember it tomorrow.
My Grandma had dementia and I swear I have it too.
Yes, I know I am too young to have it now,
but there is always the exception.
I am constantly telling Tim to be prepared to take care of me,
because I am NOT going in a home!
He says he doesn't have to worry about it because
I won't know where I am anyway. Isn't he sweet?
So, a few weeks ago when I ordered Landon's "natural meds,"
(I will post more on that at a later date.)
I also ordered some memory drops for me.
Or so I thought.
I waited and waited and they never came.
So, I called the company and they said I never placed the order!
Guess I forgot.