O.k. not really, but man o' man the new one's that Landon are on are INCREDIBLE!!! Landon went to his new Dr. in Fargo on Tuesday. He was acting his normal self. He couldn't sit still and pay attention in other words. She said he had ADHD (But, we already knew that.) and gave him a new prescription. She also said that she has seen way worse, (That made me feel GOOD!) and that there was no need for counseling. (That made me feel GREAT!) She gave him a pill while he was still in the room with her. Within 30 minutes we had a brand new kid! WOW is all I can say. He is calm. Not drugged up or zombie like. Just calm. He is still very much an 8 year old boy, but I wouldn't want that to change, ever. He sat down beside me on the couch last night, looked up into my eyes and said,
"Mom, I feel soooooo good!"
(Oh yeah, the tears were pouring out of my eyes by the buckets.)
Thank you Lord for answering my prayers. I owe you one.