This is fat cat.
Years ago, my mom sent him to me in the mail for my birthday.
I love him!!

His normal home is tucked under my ladder of quilts,
but I always thought he deserved something better than that.
So, I had a brainstorm and decided to send out a ISO (in search of)
to all my facebook friends to see if they might have an old birdcage.

Yep. I said, birdcage.
Almost instantly, Janette Schmidt replied with this picture,
and said I could have it if I wanted it. Did I want it? You bet I did!!
It was perfect!! And the best part was it had a stand too!

Sigh....I can sense trouble already....
Lucky seems to think there might be room in there for him too!
Thank you, Janette Schmidt!! It's perfect!!
Now, I just need a little feathered birdie to set on top of the cage....
Anybody got one of those??