This is why I support small businesses. Being that I am one, I am all for the little guy. I recently started using essential oils on myself and my family. I was going to do a post on it, but there is so much to tell, I don't even know where to start. I will say, I can't say enough good things about them. Recently I was wondering what I was going to do this summer with the oils and Landon. I was concerned about when he went to the pool and the oils washed off. (They do get into your bloodstream, but it still helps to reapply them.) I know he would not be too keen on pulling out a bottle of oil and rubbing it on his feet in front of the "guys." (The oils help keep him calm and focused. He's like a new kid with the oils!) I happened to come across this web site for terra cotta pendants. You simple put one drop of oil on the pendant and the aroma is almost the same as if you were to apply it to your skin. Since half the boys in Landon's class already wear necklace,s and I found one shaped like a basketball, it was the perfect solution! Now, check this out....

Not only did the owner send me a thank you note, hand signed by her...
she sent me candy!!!
Oh, yeah...
I will be ordering from her again.
I would be more than happy to promote her business
by sharing her website with you.
I love that she writes,
"Have a wonderful day!"
on her notes.
I write the exact same thing on my Ebay invoices!
Now is that cool or what?