A couple of months ago, I stopped at a yard sale. I spotted this old off white trunk. It wasn't in the best shape as the hinges were no longer attached and the box inside of the trunk was starting to peel and fall apart a bit. But, I loved it. I wanted it. I was determined to talk the owner down on the price no matter what it was. I asked the owner what she wanted for it. She said, "Five bucks." SAY WHAT??? I had to force myself to not let my jaw drop. I casually said, "Yeah. O.k. I'll take it." Inside my head I was screaming, "It's miiiiiiiiine!!!! Whooo hoo!!!!" I was so happy! But, here's a crazy thing. The top of the trunk isn't flat. It has a rounded dome like top. I didn't really think about that at the sale, as I was just too busy drooling over it's prettiness. So, because it was rounded, I couldn't set anything on top of it. It had to just "be." I didn't like that. It didn't look right. So, after rearranging my living room 3,466 times trying to find a perfect spot for it, I gave up and it sat in the corner. Then yesterday Landon sat on our coffee table. For the 4,333rd time, I told him to please not sit on the table because the center pieces are glass. I have a quilt over it, so it is easy for him to forget. Then inspiration ran over me like a freight train! I've been wanting to make a coffee table out of pallets, like the 5,444 pictures I've seen in Pinterest, (Have you seen Pinterest? It's a MUST!) but just didn't have the time to get around to that. But, I had a beautiful old, patina'd, trunk just sitting there waiting to be made useful! I took off the lid and took out the box inside. Then I took a wood board hanging off the wall that I had, that were just nailed together to look like a fence. I laid that on top for the table, added a table runner (Actually it's a fire place mantel scarf, but it looks pretty cute!) and bam! I had a new coffee table. Landon doesn't get to sit on this one either, but at least I don't have to worry about the glass anymore. Check it out.

My beautiful new table.
Table top. I wanted to take the hardware off,
but it wasn't painted underneath and didn't look right.
So it stays.
Those books, are my old posts from my blog.
I have them made into books each year.
The lid had a divider in it.
So, I propped it up on it's side and made a shelf!
I love the paper picture glued inside.
I wonder who she is.
The box inside of the trunk was really cool too.
I wasn't sure what to do with it, so this will do for now.
The part where the horse picture is, has a lid that opens up.
The lid that was on the other side, was in pieces and no longer usable.
My brain never shuts off, so I am sure something new
will come to me sooner or later!
Side view.
Love the horse.
Can't wait to see what pops into my head next!