I am a HUGE believer in Karma. "It is what you make it," and "What goes around comes around." Oh yeah, baby. It's real. Recently "someone" or "someone's" tried to do "something" to hurt me and my Day Care business. While they weren't successful, it still hurt that anyone would even want to do that to me, but I didn't waste my time getting angry, because I know that when ya do something low like that to someone, it messes with your karma big time! It's just a matter of time before that big ol' black cloud of bad karma that they created themselves, is gonna come down and bite them on their big ol' behinds! Just a matter of time, I tell ya. I also know that because I kept my cool and let it go, my cloud of karma is white and fluffy! Well, let me tell ya something. My "good karma" cloud poured amazing goodness today! Let me tell ya all about it...
It's Day Care Provider Appreciation Week. My dc families showered me with gifts of love and I felt good karma flowing like a chocolate river! Flowers, handmade photo pots, (one of yesterday's posts) homemade bath salts and lotion with all the essential goodies to go with it, and then today, Erin gave me this....
I love it.
It says...
Nothing you can do for children is ever wasted.
Garrison Kellar~
It's hard to tell in the picture,
(my camera stinks!)
but the background of the tile
is a pretty robin's egg blue,
and the wall is a light moss green.
It made me think of maybe changing the color of the wall to blue,
but the thought of painting made me exhausted.
This is not the end of the story.
After Erin left at 4:00, I still had one little boy left to go home. Usually it's 5:00 or so before all the kids are gone. About five minutes after Erin left, the last little boy's mom came to pick him up! It's Friday and all the kids are gone at 4:00! That's good Karma right there! But that's not all. The phone rang and it was Tim. He asked if the kids were gone and I said they were. He told me I needed to go to "so and so's" house because she was having a sale. I have been looking for a little table for a weird little room in our house. It's shaped funny and there is only one small wall that can actually be used. Been looking a loooong time. Well, Tim said that he was having the lady hold the table and a "few other things he thought I might like," (I don't know what got into him, as that is so unlike him, so I am going to say....Karma, baby!) so to hurry up and get over there. Took me 54 seconds! I was there!
The table is perfect!
It compliments the wall perfectly!
It was just ten freaking dollars!
I kid you not.
This is not the end of the story.
One of the other things Tim was "holding" for me was an old stained glass church window! As you all know, I have started another little side business, "Lucky Charmed" and he thought I would like to sell it. Sell it? No way!!!
It's hard to tell in the picture,
(my camera stinks!)
but inside of the rectangle in the middle of the window,
are various shades of green that compliment my walls
and new table perfectly!
It was just fifteen freaking dollars!
I kid you not!
You know it! That's Karma, baby!
The blue in the window compliments my new
tile that Erin gave me PERFECTLY!!
No painting required!!!
Sigh...you know what's coming...
Didn't take Tim and Landon long to try it out.
Need to find a few tall chairs yet.
Now, that's not karma, that's just a really
good excuse for me to go shopping!!
This is not the end of the story.
Also, at the sale....Tim had several other items set aside, (sorry, no pictures of those) that were perfect for my new side business! A beautiful,white patina'd iron bed frame, mail boxes, picture frames....I was so impressed with him! Then of course, I had to go through it all and pick out a few more sweet treasures I couldn't live without. I can't wait to show them to you at the Farmer's Market next month! Now, that my dear friends, is the story of Karma. Karma is great! And Jesus. Don't forget Jesus. What Karma doesn't take care of, Jesus will! And.....now yes, here it is... The end of the story! Oh, happy day.