Friday, December 30, 2011

What A Droid!

I'm not technically savey. I admit it. I never jump on the band wagon for the latest gadget. I usually sit back and wait a year or 2,344 and then when the excitement has wore off, and everyone is on to the next newest thing, I check it out. (On the upside, it's usually half price by then, too!) I still have my desk top computer that I bought 10 years ago when everyone was buying their new laptops. It's on it's last leg, but it's still good for email, so I keep it. This year Landon wanted an Ipad for Christmas. Nope. No can do, buddy. So, then he said he wanted a laptop. I didn't even get a laptop until just last year, and that was because Tim bought it for himself. Lucky for me, he's 1,200 years behind me and lost interest in it. So, I consider it, mine. So we compromised on a Net Book. I went to Sears in Fargo as they had one on sale in their flyer. The salesman at Sears told me that it was garbage and not to buy it! I believed him because he didn't try and sell me anything else. He even told me where to go and what to look for! I found that honesty SO refreshing! I then asked him about Nooks, Kindles and E-readers. He told me to get the Nook, as it was the better one and they were pretty much all in the same price range. Can't remember why the Nook was better though. I have been wanting a Kindle since Oprah first told me about it 300 years ago. So, I decided to get the Nook as a Christmas present for myself! I was so excited, I practically skipped to the car. (Just kidding.) Then I was off to check out SIX, I kid you not, stores for a net book! I waited too long and everything was either sold out or they just didn't carry them anymore. So, 4,009 hours later, when I spotted an Android at K-mart, (Yes, K-mart. I was grasping straws by then.) I knew it was gonna have to do. I knew a Adroid (I suppose the "cool" term would be droid, but whatever.) was something like a mini, handheld computer, but never really checked them out. However, it was a week before Christmas and I was out of time, so I told the saleslady, "I'll take it!" Once I got it home, I decided to see what all it did so I would be able to help Landon when he opened it. I charged it up, but it wouldn't stay charged. Only for about 30 seconds, then it went black. Grrrr.... So, I took it back to the K-mart in Alex and when I asked for another one, they didn't carry them. So, off to Office Max, Target, and Walmart I went. No luck there either. So, I went home and got online. On line, I found a little Net Book for Landon (He loves it!!) and an Android for me. I'm going to return the Nook, (never even opened it!) as now I'm officially broke! Anyway, last night I spent four (real!) hours trying to make my new gmail (I do not care for gmail at all!) account and facebook like each other. I think I figured it out though. It would have helped though, if they would have put the "help" book in the box and not on the actual android! That was the pits! I still have to figure out how to install/download/upload/whatever the E-reader portion of it.I dread setting things up like that. It's a major stressing point for me. I wish I knew someone who loved to do that. Set it all up and then just hand it over ready to go. But, I don't know anyone who does that. Hmmm....that might be a cool new business venture... something to think about....Nope. Bad idea for me. That thought is gone! Bye, bye! Anyway, I'll get it all figured out this weekend, but man, what a droid.....