I'm back..... :)
This is my ad from the Wheaton Gazette.
My original plan was to go to the end of the year with my purse parties. (Four years!) But, I lost so many parties this winter due to the snow, and now the flooding. (The majority of my parties are in the Fargo/MH area) So, I took that as my sign to get back into Day Care now! I will still keep my purse business and do parties on the weekends and shows. I can't give it up completely.
I put my ad in the paper on Tuesday, and by Thursday I had every spot filled. I feel sooooo blessed!! I have super great families and kids, and I am so excited to get started.
Don't you love the faded words and the spelling in my ad?
"Call now to reserve YOU spot!!!"
Gee....you would think one of the dc kids wrote it....lol