Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Potential Winnings

Check out what Lay's sent me today!

A chip clip.
Coupon for a free bag of chips.
A $50 Visa gift card!!!
Whoo hoo!!
I am still patiently waiting for January 15th,
when they tell me one of my chip flavors is
one of the top three!!
Patiently. Kinda, sorta, maybe.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I'm A Winner! (Potentially)

A few weeks ago, my horoscope said I was gonna win big sometime between October and November. Well....awhile back, I entered a Lay's Potato Chip Contest where you had to come up with a cool new Potato Chip flavor. I entered about 7,777 times, more or less. Today, I received an email from Lay's telling me I was a winner! (Potentially) I had five days to reply and confirm receiving their email. It took me about five seconds. Then I got to wondering if any of my friends who also entered the contest had received the email. So, I posted it on facebook. (Of course I posted it on facebook.) They had not. Oh ,boy! Now I know that the email was probably a mass produced email intended for all who entered the contest and it's just a matter of time before everyone gets one, but in the meantime, it's fun to dream. Here's how it works. The judges will pick three top winners to be announced on January 15th. Then those three top flavors will be on all the shelves and it will be up to America to decide the winner by texting and voting for their favorite. (Kinda like American Idol, huh?) The winner will get a million bucks, (Potentially) and the two runner ups get $50,000 each. I could live with that. (Potentially)

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Swedish Cowgirl

I finally started another blog for just my purses and funky junk stuff. So, I now have a place to put it, where it belongs. Where it will feel at home.

If you would like to check it out, go to:


I also have a facebook page under: The swedish cowgirl

I am also working on an Etsy Site too! But, that is a long and slow process. I'll keep you updated on that when it's ready to go.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Look Who's Driving!

Several years ago, when Landon was about 4 or 5, he jumped on Tim's riding lawn mower and took off across the yard, zigzagging all over but clearly heading straight for a huge tree. Tim had to ruuuun to catch him, (I was watching the whole thing through the window and trying hard not to throw up and laugh at the same time.) and just made it within seconds to stop the lawnmover before it plowed into the tree. Since then, I have not even suggested that Landon help Tim cut the grass with the riding mower. Just the push mower. Today, I looked out the window to see Landon calmly driving the riding lawn mower with Tim walking along aside of him explaining how to shift the gears. It brought tears to my eyes. How far he has come! He did a great job and only tried to go fast when he "thought" he was out of sight. I don't blame him. I'd do the same thing.

Not sure if you can see his tongue sticking out here.
That's a sign of serious concentration!
Taking the leaves to the trailer.
Happy Driver!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Lucky Fisherman

Landon entered a contest for a fishing pole, and won!
He had to try it out right away last night.
Came home with a whole school of fish!
It's a lucky pole!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hey, Burger King! I'm Mad At You.

I've got a beef. That's right. I've got a beef with Burger King. I used to love Burger King and it was the only place that I would go for my juicy, everybiteisdelicious, flame broiled, burger. As a chick who isn't all that crazy over meat, I had it bad for BK. Until recently. Seems like the last few times I patronized my favorite burger joint, the burgers sucked! At first I thought my burger wasn't cooked all the way, so I tried to return it. They assured me they were indeed thoroughly cooked, but replaced it anyway. It still sucked. I also noticed there weren't very many customers around either time I was there. I thought maybe it was just that BK that was having trouble.Then a couple of weeks ago, Tim and I were in the Swanville area. I spotted a BK and thought because it was so far away from my regular King, it wouldn't be the same. Wrong. It sucked. It was grey in color and tasted like a soy burger (Yes. I do know what a soy burger tastes like. Had way too many of them in my younger years, when my parents decided to be vegetarian's for a while. That sucked too.) Guess what else sucked? (That's the word for the day, folks. Suck.It's not a nice word, but I can't think of a better one that fits the bill for this.) The decor! As I was sitting there eating only my fries because the burger made me gag, I started to look around. I was transported back in time. To the 80's it seemed. Here. See for yourself.

Which do you like better?
The blue, glass blocks.
The Pink and peach plastic flowers?
The green plant is plastic too.
Or maybe the blue and white floral border
and styrofoam ceiling tiles
are getting your groove on more?
Anyway, while I was waiting for Tim to finish his burger, (He still liked his. He will eat anything.) I started to think...(I know, it always gets me in trouble. But, I do it anyway.) surely I can't be the only one who thinks something is up with the burgers. So, I whipped out my cell phone and hopped on the Internet. (I love my cell phone!) and GOOGLED... (I love GOOGLE too!) "What the he** is up with BK's sucky (I'm on a roll here today folks.) burgers???" Guess what? I was not alone! Apparently the rest of the world (or a lot of it anyway) is wondering the same thing. The most popular explanation was that they are no longer flame broiling them, (As I read that, I instantly noticed that the wonderful charcoal smell that we always associate with BK was missing! Come to think of it, I don't think I smelled it at the other BK those days my burger sucked either.) because the price of gas is too high and they can't afford it. So they are pre-cooking the burgers at the factory and then at BK they keep them warmed up in a friggin' bun warmer until you order one! Those little charcoal lines on the burger? They are PAINTED on! OMG. I am so over BK. I just didn't need to know that. But, that's what happens when I start thinking....
You know what I think? (Yeah, I'm gonna tell ya.) I think they can't afford not to flame broil. If they went back to flame broiling (I know it's just deadly gas and deadly to eat, but so are Twinkies and we aren't stopping that now, are we?) they just might be able to win their customers back. And maybe, just maybe, they can upgrade that decor over in Swanville. It's a win/win folks. A win/win.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ebay, Baby!

 If you go back a few posts to my cast iron post, in the middle of the table is a dark turquoise, mermaid boot jack. I listed this boot jack on Ebay Tues. night and was shocked to wake up Wed. morning to find that it had sold! (I added a "buy it now" option.) I am currently working on an Etsy store, but it takes a lot of work to get that set up and it's a slooooow process. Pictures, descriptions, prices....I will let everyone know when it is ready to go, someday....Anyway, I was impatient and wanted to see how it would go on Ebay as that is a quick process. I was really excited with my quick sale and decided to post a few other items and they haven't moved. At all. DISAPPOINTMENT! I can see that I have a few "watchers" so I am afraid they are going to bid the low price at the last minute and I will be forced to sell my items at that crazy low cost. I don't like that. At all. I can see how Ebay could become addicting and depressing all at the same time. If that happens, then I will either drop Ebay all together or list buy it now only prices. Either way, I am still going to stick with my Etsy store and slowly but surly get it all put together. I like the fixed prices and no bidding part. A lot! If it's a flop...well it will just be one more wilted feather to stick in my cowgirl hat. There are quite a few in there already, but I am proud of each and everyone of them. No one can say I didn't try. Stay calm and list it.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My One And Only Rebel Child

A couple of weeks ago, I received a call from Landon's gym teacher. She told me that after talking with Landon and another boy, this is the story that came out from the two of them. Believe me, I wanted to interrupt her a couple of times and say, "Are you suuuuure that's the way it happened?" but, I did not. As hard as it was for me, I kept my mouth shut and I listened. Here is the story...

During gym (for the sake of the privacy of the other boy, we will name the other boy, "Fred.") Fred stepped on the back of Landon's shoe. Fred admitted that the first time was an accident, but then he decided to do it again. Landon asked him to stop. (I am having a hard time with that part. I envision more of a "Knock it off!" but, this is the gym teacher's story, not mine.) Fred did not stop. He kept stepping on the back of Landon's shoes.  It was then that Landon threw Fred to the ground and started punching him. (I can see this.) They were then hauled to the Principal's office, where they told their stories and it was decided that their punishment would be that they would have to sit on the wall at recess for three days. (I agreed and was so thankful they weren't expelled!)

When I hung up the phone, I have to admit I had a few mixed feelings. On one hand, I hate that Landon had to be involved in a fight, and that it was bad enough to be hauled to the Principal's office. But, on the other hand...while I certainly don't approve of violence, I am proud of Landon for asking Fred to stop the first time. That showed maturity. I am also proud of Landon for sticking up for himself. Even if it wasn't in an appropriate manner, I am relieved to know he can take care of himself. In a crazy, immature way, I'm kinda proud that my kid can kick ass! ( I can't help it. It's the redneck in me!) Yeah, yeah, I know. There goes the Mother Of The Year Award for me. Again.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

That Time Of Year Again....

I detest politics! Detest, I say! Normally, I don't even bother listen to the debates, but tonight I decided to give it a whirl. I. Am. Not. Impressed. One sounded like a pie in the sky simpleton and the other was just spinning his wheels. Saying the same thing, over and over. Kinda like the "two" stooges.
 Anyway... I jokingly posted on facebook night...

 "I think Oprah should run for president. She could just whip out a check and take care of the debt, revive her talk show to create 3,445,333 jobs for the unemployed and broke, send goodie baskets of her "favorite things" to the rich folk, so they don't feel left out and send the middle class to Australia for the time of their lives!! Get 'er done! :) :) :) (I'm just teasing now, lighten up!)"

Seriously, it doesn't have to be Oprah, but a third choice would be nice. Really. Not digging the options here. Kinda like trying to decide to vote for Jethro or Jed, or Curly or Moe. Third choice, please. Third choice.

Dipping My Toes In Cast Iron

Recently I was browsing the internet looking for something to hang my purses on, and I stumbled across a cute cast iron hook site. I was going to order a few, but then I stopped and thought, "Hey...I'm pretty creative. I could totally do this myself!" So I checked out a few wholesalers and ordered a box full. Of course not only did I order too many, I loved them so much I ordered more and different ones too! I painted them up, roughed them up, (to give them a cute shabby look) and took them to the farmer's market and my purse shows to sell. They did really well. Now, I'm thinking I might need to try Ebay or Etsy with and maybe some of my other junk stuff, but, I'm scared. I don't know why. I think the shipping part scares me the most. The "unknown." All the "what if's." I know I am certainly smart enough to figure it all out, but I keep dragging my feet. I have a good friend who sells on Ebay and she tells me there's nothing to it. So, what's my problem? I honestly don't know. Do you ever feel like that? Is there something that you really want to do, have no reason not to do it, but still don't do it? Someone please shove me into the pool. I need to get my feet wet.


A really bad picture using my camera phone.
If you click on the picture
 it should open up to a large view.