Friday, July 31, 2009

She's baaaaackkkk.....

Last year we found a Mourning Dove nesting in our grapes.

She had several little doves who all grew up and flew away.

This year she is back!! I can hardly wait for the babies to arrive.

I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Lottery Fantasy....
As I grow older, I find myself longing for a simpler life. In my lottery fantasy, I picture an old farm house (Maybe in Vermont!) with a big front porch. I can see Landon and I curled up in a swing on that porch, with a big pile of quilts, books and fuzzy kittens playing at our feet. I have my coffee and he has his hot chocolate. (With marshmallows of course!) There might even be a few chickens in the front yard. Lots of shady trees and wild flowers everywhere. There is no pressure to be anywhere or do anything. Just enjoy each minute as it comes. Where is Tim? He's on the back enclosed porch, sitting in his hot tub, watching the game on his big flat screen T.V.!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This is the new limo!

It's Tim and Landon's new fishing/hunting/hauling stuff truck.

We took it for a spin the other night.

I told Tim to pull over, it was my turn to drive.

He looked at me and said "Whaaaatttt????"

(I learned to drive a stick shift on my uncle's tractor when I was ten.)

The truck is a four speed and so much fun to drive!

Plus, it is up high and I looooove big trucks!

(Sorry, I can't help it. It's the red neck in me)

Landon was even impressed.

Never underestimate this country/city chick! ;)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This is my sweet, funny and BEAUTIFUL aunt, Ida Mae.

(She's 64 but looks 39)

And this is her sweetie pie Billy.

(He's pretty cute too! He's 78 and acts 19)

They both live in Californina , (in nearby towns)

and they both have an amazing zest for life.

Before they met, while they loved retirement

(Ida Mae was a RN and Billy was a Sheriff)

they were wishing for someone to share the fun times with.

Ida Mae's wonderful niece's (One of them is me of course!)

encouraged her to try,

and Billie's daughter was doing the same for him.

They found each other online and matched pretty darn close!

They met for coffee and hit it off instantly.

Now, they spend their days dipping their toes

in the water of fun times and romance!

Good job Cupid!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tim worked hard on laying block in front of our deck.

It looks great Tim! :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Landon has been wanting to have a rummage sale for a long time.
He has boxes of toys, movies and games just waiting for the day.
Last night he decided he would try and sell a few movies.
I told him that he needed to add an i to the word movie on his sign.
He said "Oh, then I better go change my other sign."
I asked him what other sign and he said to get on my bike and he would show me. (OMG...)
He took me to Pete and Roxy Fisher's house and showed me his sign.
He had used blue painter's tape
and two crazy straws to hold up his sign.
(Sorry Pete and Roxy!)
He didn't have any sales, so this morning he put out all of his stuff!!
He got his cousin's Katie and Jack to help him with his sales.
So far he has made $5.50.
Not bad considering everything is only 50 cents
and he didn't advertise.
That's my boy! Someday he will make his momma a rich lady.... ;)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

This is as much of a "house" dog as Ole is going to get.

After a bath.

On the towel.

By the back door.

With Landon.

So far so good. :)

(Please, please, please let it last!!!!)

Friday, July 24, 2009

You have to try these!
They are even better than the candy bar!
Click on the picture for a closer view.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Last summer we stayed at a hotel in Deluth.

This little sign was in the room. I explained to Landon how

Seagull sounded like our name, but was spelled different.

He must have been impressed, because when we got home

I found the card inside his suitcase. I hung it on the refridgerator

to remind us to keep the heck out of there! lol

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I love how these clouds look like mountains in the distance.
It was like that for miles...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The cat house.
Tim enclosed the bottom of our new deck for our kitties.
They go up the ramp and through the window.
They love it under there! They love the fresh air. (And carpet!)
Thanks Tim!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

We're having fresh green beans from our garden

for dinner and supper today! :)


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Road Trip!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Circus is in town!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

One of the dc kids spotted the moon at 10:00 in the morning!
Those little eyes sure don't miss a thing! :)
Click on the picture for a closer view. Can you find it???
('s only a half moon)